View Full Version : SSH IP Tunneling Tutorial

CardingMafia Admin
03-13-2013, 09:17 PM
Well Our todays Article is not on how to hack ! its on "How to Hide your ass "

although there are many way to stay anonymous but the Best way is to Tunnel your Ip with a remote server whose root user is in your control , SO Lets start 1st of all open your terminal and Run This Commannd

root@XploiteR:~# ssh -D 127.0.01:1050 -l root

after running this command u will be connected to your remote server but before this you have to give password.

[email protected]'s password: ******
where ****** is our password.
Now we are are connected to our server...

root@XploiteR:~# ssh -D 127.0.01:1050 -l root
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 23:9d:******************:20:7e:38:c0:c0:83:44:6c.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
Last login: Thu Jan 24 11:53:06 2013 from
[root@vps ~]# ls
kloxo-install kloxo-installer.sh kloxo-install.zip
[root@vps ~]# whoami
where is Server Ip
and is Our machine's Ip

Now we have tunnel our Ip with the remote server but before browsing we have to configure it at our browser

Edit>Preference>advance>network>Setting>Socks Host
tools>options>advance>network>Setting>Socks Host

add as Ip and 1050 as port Done

Congr8s You have tunneled your Ip successfully

But Don't Forget to clean your tracks from the Target ;-)

How to clear Logs from Target I will tell you in next Thread ;-)
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