I thought it would be helpful to post an FAQ here. Hopefully this will reduce the number of questions you have, and the number I receive in emails as well. I do not mind answering your questions, if you have any please ask so that I may add them here.

You can find reviews for my services in several other threads on this forum.
-How do I contact you?
Email me at [email protected]. Do not message me here at TGM via PM. I will not see your message.

-What do you sell?
Cloned credit cards. Each having more than $3000, and up to $5000 available credit. This is the actual plastic, mailed to you very discreetly.

-Do they come with PINs?
Usually. I have the PIN for nearly all of my cards. If the PIN is not important to you, you can buy cards without the PIN at a reduced price.

-Can they be used in ATMs?
Yes, the cards can be used in ATMs provided you buy the cards with the PIN included. There is a $500/day withdrawal limit from ATMs. You can also use these cards to get cash back at the register in major retailers with no daily limits.

-Can they be used for shopping?
Yes, ALL of my cards can be used for shopping. There is no daily limit set for in-store purchases, including cash back at the register.

-Can they be used online?
They are valid credit cards and can be used the same as any other credit card. That said, to use online you will need some advanced knowledge, and a good mail drop if you want to purchase goods. Bottom line is that if you are asking this question then you will not have much luck online. Security is very good overall concerning online use. So good that it can be difficult even to use your own actual CC at times.

-Will they work in my country?
YES. These cards work worldwide. So far, after over two years and thousands of cards shipped there have been no reports of cards not working in any certain country. I'm sure I haven't covered them all, will update if this ever occurs.

-Even Australia?
YES Aussies. You guys make up somewhere around 70% of my customers. That is just plain crazy, considering you only make up around 2% of the world's population, but true. I ship to Australia nearly every day.

-What about customs inspections?
Letter sized envelopes that are under 3mm thick, and have printed shipping labels are not suubject to customs inspections. They are sorted by machine, and never even looked at by anyone. Think of the sheer volume of them. That takes care of orders of 1-10 cards. For larger orders I ship USPS Express international. When labeled as business docuuments these are also exempt from customs inspections. (doubt me? look it up) I have been doing this for a long time. Thousands of shipments have been delivered with 0 problems. This is not something you should worry about.

-Do you provide tracking information for shipments?
Yes! tracking is provided once your order is shipped.

-Are these cards personalized? What do they look like?
Nothing fancy, but not plain white cards either (like most) They look like credit cards. The background printing varies with what my suppliers have available when I order from them. One thing they all have in common is that they look great. I can emboss the cards with any name you wish. The actual card data will remain the same, I only emboss the cards with your custom name. This is in case you are ever asked for ID. The cashier will look at your ID, look at the card, say ok, and forget the name before handing you your receipt. I will also leave them blank if you prefer.

---------------This section is for the real n00bs-----------------

Will you send me free samples if I promise to be a good customer and make big orders from you in the future?
NO! I have money invested in each and every one. If I entertained half of these requests I would have no cards left to sell.

Will you take photos of the cards for me?
No! out of your mind a little? First, I do not photograph evidence against me, duh. Second, any 3rd grade kid could whip up some photos of your cards being held by friggin Elvis Presley riding on the back of a great white shark in about 30 minutes. If you are accepting photos as evidence of anything, EVER, then you are just plain goofy.

Will you fulfill any of my ridiculous requests?
NO! If you want cards that is fine, make an order. Bear in mind that I receive well over 100 emails per day on average. Any goofy shit that gets on my nerves will result in your mail going unanswered. I just don't have the time to deal with it.

I'm sure I have missed some questions that should be included here. I will add to this thread as you remind me of them.