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Thread: Keyloggers

  1. #1


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  2. #11


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  4. #12

  5. #13

    first you need angry ip scanner from run it and insert the ip range you have to add port 139 then start scanning .
    it scans ip address. it gives three types of result red for not found blue for alive but on other port.
    green which is on 139 port.
    you try on green ip address (for exp if ip192.168.1.1)
    then works start
    open cmd
    type nbtstat -a
    it shows the net bios name.
    if there is 20 in any name then the user have sharing something if there is no 20 then try on another ip address
    if there is 20 in names then write another command.
    type net view
    it shows shared resouces
    it shows shared folders
    if user have a printer it also shows printer
    then you type another command
    type net use a:\\\drive name
    it says command complete succesfully.
    open my computer you see that a new drive comes which is network drive

  6. #14
    Well, the greatness of this is how happily Windows and windows services will turn this on for you. Someone doesn't have to enable a share, but a program or a networked printer just might open one for you. It's mostly a local networking problem these days.

  7. #15
    This network scan method will not work If your subnet mask is sealed like this-

  8. #16
    id go for hardware

  9. #17
    wow nice tut ,,, broooooo

  10. #18
    thank you so much

  11. #19
    thank u so uch for this post

  12. #20
    Uhmm im looking for them too!
    God bless

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