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  1. #1

    Cashout Western Union Anonymously?

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  3. #2
    On the phone the women said to me clearly that there is no way i would get the money without an identity card and it is also written on the Western Union website that a identity card is needed looks like they changed their policy.
    The only way i found out to get the money is with a fake identity card but can't find a website that is doing this.

  4. #3
    Just add me On Yahoo Now Ok i Will Only teach u a simple way man But i am going to use a software to cash out for u so get prepared befoe u come ok

  5. #4
    Mail me your Yahoo address to i can't find yours on this forum.

  6. #5
    Today i have again called 2 Western Union offices one Locally and one International and they all said to me to get the money in need a Identity Card and a Passport if i'm not a citizen in the country and only Identity Cards from an European Countries are accepted in other European Countries.
    They also said that they needed to do this to stop illegal stuff.

    I can't believe that people here are actually laundering money with their real ID lol.
    The only way i see to anonymously get the money is to make a fake ID.
    Last edited by SuperLOL; 11-12-2012 at 09:19 AM.

  7. #6
    u ca pickup with any photo id

    driver license

  8. #7
    Yes but the name on the ID needs to be the same as the one on the WU transfer.

    So people should keep in mind to use fake ID or the next morning wake up could not be the dog licking your balls but people pointing guns at you.

  9. #8
    I always wondered this too, since I sometimes want to buy stuff from carders but then again they say they only accept WU transfer (I don't have any cash at Liberty Reserve, plus in my country it is quite difficult to get it).
    In the end, I end up not buying anything at all xD

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